Eden on Eos

Maximize Independence

Eden is a community working to maximize the power and independence of its members and thereby securing life, liberty, property, and justice for all.

Build Consensus

A team of people can be more powerful than the sum of its members, but all teams need a means to effectively work together & attain their full potential.

Fractal Democracy

EdenOS is a revolutionary new democratic process that protects and enhances the independence and power of those who join. When you join the Eden community, you gain access to a group of people working together to empower you and your family to make a bigger impact in the world.

Total Transparency

A core value of Eden on EOS is transparency, all elections and meetings of Chief Delegates are recorded and posted on IPFS for all to see.


An Open Platform for Fractal Governance

Eden on EOS uses the Open Source software Eden OS which is a tool to conduct fractal elections and manage the groups treasury through the use of EOS.IO Smart Contracts.

In every election each participator is placed into Zoom calls with other participants to talk about their ideas.

Our on-chain app enable partipants to vote for their favourite candidate in real time during each election round.

At the last round, Block headers from the Bitcoin is used to create a random seed where the final election winner known as the "Head Delegate" is picked at random!

The public can fully audit the Smart Contracts and user votes at any time, more languages and quality of life improvements are on the way.

A Open Platform for our Participators

Each participator can choose the trader and to sign a contract.

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Our multi-cryptocurrency exchange will uis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit uuntur magni dolores esse cillum.

Thanks to a special Zoom integration, EdenOS is able to spawn and direct election participants to Zoom calls.

Because the app runs entirely on chain, users can inspect total transparency during the election process.


Our Chief Delegates

Our currently elected Head and Chief Delegates from the October 9th 2021 election.

Aaron Cox
Head Delegate
Brandon Lovejoy
Legal Advisor, TokenWiz Project
Chris Barnes
Managing Director, ICOCrypto
Jesse Jaffe
Insurance Lead & Financial Advisor
John Williamson
Ecosystem Manager & DevOps Engineer
Randall Roland
Member of the Oparation Board


More Equal Animals is a book by Daniel Larimer which outlines the failures in traditional democracy and proposes a whole new approach called "True Democracy" in order to secure life, liberty, property and justice for all.

All proceeds are donated to Eden on EOS.

More Equal Animals (E-book)
More Equal Animals (PDF)
More Equal Animals (Paperback)
Intro to EOS (PDF) By Jesse Jaffe



Below we’ve provided a bit of ICO, ICO Token, cryptocurrencies, and few others. If you have any other questions, please get in touch.

What is Eden?

Eden is a community of individuals cooperating to maximize the independence of its members and thereby securing life, liberty, property, and justice for all.

One of the principles of Eden is that two people working together are stronger than two uncoordinated individuals. By working together both people increase their individual power and independence in the world. Anytime two or more people come together a process is needed for consensus building and delegation of authority.

Yes, the EdenOS platform will ultimately be blockchain-agnostic, and therefore we fully support the development of Eden on ETH or Eden on DOT groups. See the Eden Framework to learn more about offline use.

Yes, please introduce yourself here and join our Discord.

What is Eden on EOS?

Eden on EOS is the collective term for the brand and messaging around launching the Eden effort on the EOS Main net. The overall process of define, launch, and enable Fractal Democracy, and the release of the software (EdenOS) Clarion is releasing for the broader Eden community.

The Eden Genesis group has formed as an english speaking group. However we have plans in development to translate much of the EdenOS processes and procedures, tools, info etc. This will support groups to form with their open native languages like: Chinese, Korean, Spanish and German at this time.

If you are interested in forming a group in a language that’s not currently listed, we simply need someone from that language group to start the process of translating our open source materials.

Yes, as long as English is the language used for all of your correspondence, you can join the Eden community, and live anywhere in the World.

What is the Eden Framework?

The Eden Framework is the use of fractal governance as described in the book More Equal Animals. While helpful to use EdenOS helps conduct this online, the framework can also be used in person using a deck of cards, also explained in the book.

Contact Us

We are always open and welcome any questions you have, please reach out to us on our Discord and our Open Mic events each Monday 10pm UTC on the #voice channel.